This NEW 8 axis Hybrid camera stabilizer made by Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer, its a mix between mechanic and electronics, best of both worlds, comparable to arri trinity rig or arri steadycam but its a much affordable version around 4 times less expensive.
This new Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer gimbal comes with an electronic board controller that will keep the camera horizonally blanced all the time. This new hybrid camera stabilizer also comes with a new generation of shock absorber arm, this new version works as an isolate double shock absorber arm with 6 springs, its the top technology for camera stabilization and weight distribution.
Introducing the world's first New 8 axis hybrid camera stabilizer, best affordable camera stabilizer gimbal ever made comparable to arri trinity steadycam rig.
DSLR VIDEO GEAR Looking for professional DSLR VIDEO GEAR? Well you should check this company. Basson Steady is the leading manufacturer of professional camera stabilizers, we have a complete line of camera stabilizers for every need, from handheld stabilizers for small cameras such as go pro and DSLRS, up to for high end digital cinema cameras such as RED DIGITAL CINEMA CAMERAS, or ARRI Alexa mini. We recommend you to visit our web site to see our new line of products.
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Warehouse in USA
Miami, FL 33126 - United States
+1 (305) 83-44752
Steadycam Basson Steady in U.S.A (United States)
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Miami U.S.A: +1 (305) 83-44752
Tel / whatsapp: + (54911) 44726757
(Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00 (U.S.A East coast time)