Which are the camera stabilizer Operator Associations?
In this post we’re going to show you the best camera operators associations today
find out more about them.

Want to become a camera stabilizer operator?
There's no better way to learn how to become a camera stabilizer Operator than practicing, but to start you need to learn the basics, so we recommend to follow this simple guidelines

Operator Instructions and Support, and After sales Support
The purchase of all our camera stabilizers, mechanic or hybrid, includes a CD rom that includes a few start up demo videos to learn the basics, how to assemble all parts, how to balance it, how to use it, and many tips and tricks.
It also includes an extensive PDF manual full of color pictures and text explanation under each photo with all the instructions to start using the stabilizer by yourself without any need of our help which is how all our customers around the world do it without any problems.
Anyway if that is not enough for you, You can always give as a call, send us an email, or arrange a whatsapp video call, to ask us anything you may need, we take calls from Monday to Friday from 9.00Am to 6.00Pm U.S.A eastern time.
Then if you are looking for a personalized explanation about how to start using the stabilizer you can also arrange with as for a Free Start up explanation at our factory in Argentina.
You can send someone from your company to our factory in Buenos Aires Argentina to receive the basic instructions in person, we will explain the same as it is explained on the Cdrom videos, as well as the instructions on the pdf manuals.
We will teach you about how to use the new stabilizer Free of charge with the purchase of any of our products.
This personalized explanation may take some hours normally less than 3 hours, this has No additional cost, just call us to coordinate your visit to our factory.
Becoming a professional camera stabilizer operator requires practice and coordination to develop some skills and this takes some time, because its a serious profession that not only involves to have a great camera stabilizer but also your own brain, hands and arms must become one to frame a shoot and to achieve the look of a professional cinematic style shoots.
Both camera stabilizer systems the mechanical as well as the new hybrid gimbal Basson Steady need some practice to gain endurance and coordination to master either of these.
This is the main reason why a good camera stabilizer operator is well paid for the professional job they do.
Then you also need some time to understand that using a mechanical or hybrid camera stabilizer gimbal as a real professional, means that you have to learn that is for slow speed movements, its not for running like crazy as you mistakenly see on many youtube videos.
It is very common to see that when you put a camera stabilizer to a person that never put one on his body, one of the first things they want to do is to run, and thats the first mistake to avoid, it is not for that.
To avoid that you need to calm down, take a deep breath, it also requires to have some control about breathing, to be concentrated on framing the shoot, specially due to the liberty you will have to move everywhere with a hybrid camera stabilizer gimbal camera stabilizer.
You will also need to learn how to move and walk, how to keep the distance between you and the subject, then you must also consider the effects of lights and reflections, zooming, panning, tilting, the audio noises, and more, and when the more accessories you add more things needs to be controlled by the camera stabilizer operator.
Without any doubts the best camera stabilizer today is the new 8 axis hybrid gimbal camera stabilizer, a mix of electro mechanic camera support, best of both worlds.
Specially designed to bring absolute freedom of movement to the camera operator without camera vibration or shakes.
The new line of hybrid camera stabilizer gimbal are powered by brushless motors that will keep the camera perfectly leveled on all axes as the operator walk, run or moves the camera.
Our new line of 8 axis hybrid camera stabilizer gimbal are a dream come truth.
This is the main reason why those who had previously bought a 3 axis gimbal stabilizers, are now buying the new 8 axis hybrid gimbal camera stabilizers.
LEGAL NOTICE: All brand names, photos, models, trademarks, and registered trademarks mentioned in this website are property of their legal owners and are being used here only for description. The use of a mentioned trademark brand names to describe our goods or services is known as 'nominative fair use' this is a non-infringing use, this brand names are mentioned neither to create confusion, nor to disparaging the trademarked product.
It is also permitted to use a trademark as a means for comparison. Comparative advertising it is also allowed, since it benefits consumers by providing several options and encouraging competition. It is also allowed the use of similar words associated to registered brand names or products mentioned in this website that have become generic with the years due to their name's widespread popularity, it is a non-infringing use. These are uses that inform, educate, or express opinions protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, freedom of speech and of the press.
is one of the best Online Stores for camera stabilizer Operators worldwide
Welcome to our Photo Gallery, find out our happy customers, great behind the scenes memories while using our camera stabilizers. Submit your behind the scene photos to promote yourself within our website, to appear in our “Customer photos” web page.
Customer Photos Basson Steady
contact us by email
to send us your behind the scenes photos.
For any other request from any country in the world
give as a call from ny local phone from our contact section,
or via WhatsApp to the following number +54911- 4472-6757
from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday,
the East Coast of the United States, we speak English and Spanish,
we also understand some Italian and French.
See our worldwide contact phones for local support telephone numbers
Galeria de fotos de Operadores Basson Steady
Contáctenos por correo electrónico
para enviarnos sus fotos detras de camara.
correo electrónico:
Para cualquier otra solicitud de cualquier país del mundo,
llame desde cualquier teléfono local desde nuestra sección de contacto,
o vía WhatsApp al siguiente número +54911-4472-6757
dentro del horario de 9.00 am hasta 18pm de lunes a viernes
horario costa este de Estados unidos,
hablamos Ingles y español, tambien comprendemos algo de italiano y Frances.
What do wrarable camera stabilizer operators do?
A Professional camera stabilizer operator is trained and experienced based on the practical skills and coordination earned through practical work experience. Technology changes rapidly, so you must be prepared to continue learning.
Right now the future of the camera stabilization are the new hybrid gimbals camera stabilizer a mix between mechanic and electronics best of both worlds.
A camera stabilizer operator also needs some basic knowledge of all camera options and lenses, along with knowledge of available accessories, such as remote focus systems, video transmitters and receivers, and any specialized equipment designed and used by other operators.
It is a physically demanding job, so it is useful to know the stretching and positioning techniques such as Pilates, Yoga or Martial Arts to help avoid injuries.
Camera stabilizer operators are responsible for the technical configuration of the camera stabilizer system and the balance of the camera. They contact the director, the cinematographer (DoP) and the actors to set up and take the required shots.
A professional operator usually works with a camera assistant to ensure that the shots are focused, and with the first assistant director to ensure that the choreography of the shot is done without problems.
The operators are specialists within the camera department and can be hired daily to take specific shots within a scene, or employed as camera operators who specialize in camera stabilizers.
The professional camera stabilizer mechanic or hybrid were specially designed to bring absolute freedom of movement to the camera operator without camera vibration or shakes.
The double shock absorber arm in conjunction with the vest and the sled or center post with the gimbal handle isolates the operator's body movements, allowing the camera to move very smoothly, while remaining stable.
Many specialized operators have invested in their own equipment, and are usually requested by directors or DoP.
LEGAL NOTICE: All brand names, photos, models, trademarks, and registered trademarks mentioned in this website are property of their legal owners and are being used here only for description. The use of a mentioned trademark brand names to describe our goods or services is known as 'nominative fair use' this is a non-infringing use, this brand names are mentioned neither to create confusion, nor to disparaging the trademarked product.
It is also permitted to use a trademark as a means for comparison. Comparative advertising it is also allowed, since it benefits consumers by providing several options and encouraging competition. It is also allowed the use of similar words associated to registered brand names or products mentioned in this website that have become generic with the years due to their name's widespread popularity, it is a non-infringing use. These are uses that inform, educate, or express opinions protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, freedom of speech and of the press.

Hybrid gimbal camera stabilizers, the best solution for perfect camera stabilization.
Video Camera Operator Associations
If you are looking for a camera operator association, here on this blog we recommend this two options.
The first option is the SOA based in california U.S.A
(SOA) was formed in 1988 to connect skilled Operators with motion picture producers, unit production managers and Directors of Photography.
Today, the (SOA) provides a database of Operators around the world, providing referrals across the entire film and video industry. Additional services include organizing and conducting Workshops.
And second the ASO Association of operators based in united kingdom
This two associations are the most important right now.
We invite you to visit this websites for more information.
LEGAL NOTICE: Do not be confused, we are Basson Steady Camera Stabilizers, manufacturers of all kind of camera stabilizers, specially dedicated to manufacture and design wearablecamera stabilizers, hybrid and mechanic, as well as gimbals, rotary heads, handheld stabilizers and more.
All the camera stabilizers we sell in our website have our own brand name Basson Steady on it, and we do not sell our camera stabilizers with any other competitor brand name or logo, so if you are looking for any other brand of manufacturer you must go to their own website.
The use of a mentioned trademark brand names to describe our goods or services is known as 'nominative fair use' this is a non-infringing use, this brand names are mentioned neither to create confusion, nor to disparaging the trademarked product. It is also permitted to use a trademark as a means for comparison.
Comparative advertising it is also allowed, since it benefits consumers by providing several options and encouraging competition. It is also allowed the use of similar words associated to registered brand names or products mentioned in this website that have become generic with the years due to their name's widespread popularity, it is a non-infringing use.
These are uses that inform, educate, or express opinions protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, freedom of speech and of the press.
By law, you need not request permission to use a trademark belonging to another if it is for an editorial or informational use. Trademark "ownership" is not absolute, you can use a trademark belonging to another person or company if you use the mark for: informational or editorial purposes to identify specific products and services, or if your use is part of an accurate comparative product statement. In other words, the use of a trademark does not necessarily qualify as an infringement if the user is not actually using the trademark as a mark.
Informational Uses of a Trademark Are Permissible Informational (or “editorial”) uses of a trademark do not require permission from its owner.
Finally, you are also permitted to use trademarks for purposes of parody or commentary without fearing a claim of trademark infringement.
Using Trademarks for Comparison Under trademark law you are generally permitted to use a trademark as a means for comparison. For example, you could create a newspaper advertisement that incorporates your mark and your competitors' marks in order to describe a difference between the companies.
A trademark does not mean, however, that no one else can use your word, phrase, or symbol in connection with any and all goods and services. In an effort to promote competition and fair use, the Federal Trade Commission carved an exception to the general rule protecting trademark owners.
Necessary use of a third-party trademark to describe your goods or services is known as 'nominative fair use' this is a non-infringing use where there is no likelihood of confusion.
The fair use doctrine allows a competitor to use a trademarked product name without permission if the use is not likely to create confusion. Nominative use occurs when a business must use a trademarked product name to identify the trademark owner's product. The Federal Trade Commission encourages companies to use comparative advertising, since it benefits consumers by providing several options and encouraging competition.
According to the Federal Trade commission, companies can use a trademark owner's product name for comparative advertising purposes, as long as the competitor is not disparaging the trademarked product or its owner and can substantiate its claim.
Sample videos to show how a wearable camera operator works
Videos from our Customers
All made with a Basson Steady among their film gear
Welcome to our customer videos showcase, phenomenal customer videos made using any of our camera stabilizers within their filming equipment. Submit your own video to promote it within our website to appear on our “Basson Steady Customer Videos ” web page.
sample videos from our customers
contact us by email
to send us the link of your video.
For any other request from any country in the world
give as a call from ny local phone from our contact section,
or via WhatsApp to the following number +54911- 4472-6757
from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday,
the East Coast of the United States, we speak English and Spanish,
we also understand some Italian and French.
Request Help: send us an e-mail to describe the product's issue and provide your purchase information.
A service case will be generated automatically for you.
See our worldwide contact phones for local support telephone numbers
Videos de operadores de Basson Steady
Contáctenos por correo electrónico
para enviarnos el enlace de su video.
correo electrónico:
Para cualquier otra solicitud de cualquier país del mundo,
llame desde cualquier teléfono local desde nuestra sección de contacto,
o vía WhatsApp al siguiente número +54911-4472-6757
dentro del horario de 9.00 am hasta 18pm de lunes a viernes
horario costa este de Estados unidos, hablamos Ingles y español,
tambien comprendemos algo de italiano y Frances.
For further information
About any of our systems or about our hybrid camera stabilization systems,
please visit our website:
Contact us:
Basson Steady in U.S.A (United States)
For more information or for specific requests, please contact our customer service:
Tel Miami U.S.A: +1 (305) 83-44752
Tel / whatsapp: + (54911) 44726757
(Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00 (U.S.A East coast time)